Category: Insect & spider

Leg with/without claw

The thorax bears three pairs of true legs, in addition there are five pairs of fleshy legs (prolegs). Each proleg has a ring of hooks (crochets). The true legs have three segments and end in a claw.

lepidoptera crochets   lepidoptera crochets2  lepidoptera crochets3    
 crochet  crochet attachted to proleg  crochet attachted to proleg    


lepidoptera trueleg lepidoptera trueleg2 lepidoptera trueleg3
trueleg and claw trueleg and claw trueleg and claw


head, mandible

The head bears a pair of stout mandibles. The head has a ring of ocelli.

lepidoptera mandible  


Other, spiracles 

The breathing pores (spiracles) lie in a row down each side of the body.

lepidoptera spiracle lepidoptera spiracle2  
spiracle spiracle embedded in body wall