unique: halter
A = antenna, Ab = abdomen, AS = apical spike/spur, Ce = cercus, Cx = coxa, E = eye, Fe = femur, Fl = flagellum, Ha = halter, O = ocellus, Pb = probiscus, Pc = pedicel, T = tarsus, TC = tarsal claw, Ti = tibia, Sa = scales
Diptera - Tipulidae (dorsal) |
Diptera - Chironomidae (dorsal) |
Diptera - Culicidae (dorsal) |
Diptera - Culicidae (lateral) |
Diptera - Empididae (lateral) |
Diptera - Psychodidae (lateral) |
Diptera - Psychodidae (lateral) |
Diptera - Brachycera (dorsal) |
Diptera - Muscidae (dorsal) |
Diptera - rhagionidae (dorsal) |
Diptera - rhagionidae (lateral) |
Diptera - Stratiomyidae (dorsal) |
Diptera - Syrphidae (dorsal) |
Diptera - Tabanidae (dorsal) |
Diptera - Anisopodidae (lateral) |
Diptera - Scathophagidae (lateral) |
Diptera - Nycteribiidae (dorsal) |
diptera - brachycera head (frontal) |
Ab = abdomen, AC = anal comb, AL = anal lobe, E = eye, Ep = epaulette, S = spur/spike, Sn = sternite, Te = tergite
Diptera- Chironomidae pupa (lateral and dorsal) |
Chironomidae pupa abdomen (dorsal) |
Am = arolium, AS = apical spurs, C = claw, Cx = coxa, Em = empodium, Fe = femur, Pu = pulvillus, S = spike/spur, T = tarsus, TC = tarsal claw, Ti = tibia, Tr = trochanter
Diptera leg and tarsus |
Diptera - Muscidae tars |
Diptera - Strationomyidae tars |
unique: halters instead of hind wings
al = alula, a-lobe = anal lobe, Ca = calypter, Ha = halter, Ps = pterostigma, Sa = scales
Veins: Af = apical fork, AV (A1 t/m A2) = anal veins, Co = costa, Cu = cubitus, Me (M1 t/m M4) = median, Ra (R1 t/m R5) = radius, s-Co = sub-costa, vs = vena spuris
Cells: bc / Mc = basal cell, cua1 / cup = cell under cubitus, dc = discoidal cell, a1 = cell under anal vein, m1 = cell under median, r1 = cell under radius
Transverse vein between: h = transverse between Co & s-Co, BM-Cu = transverse between bc and dc, DM-CU = transverse between dc and Cu
Insect wing |
Diptera (front) wing |
Diptera - Culicidae wing (with scales) |
Diptera - Ceratopogonidae wing |
Diptera - Anisopodidae wing |
Diptera - Chironomidae wing |
Diptera - Strationomydae wing |
Diptera - Syrphidae wing |
Diptera - Tipulidae wing |
Diptera - Muscidae wing |
A = antenna, AS/ASc = Antennal sclerite, E = eye, Fl = flagellum, MP = maxillary palp, Na = nasus, O = ocellus, Pb = probiscus, Pc = pedicel, Ro = rostrum, Sc = scape,
Diptera - Tipulidae head (lateral) |
Tipulidae head (dorsal) |
Diptera - Brachycera head (lateral) |
Diptera - Muscidae head female (frontal) |
Diptera - Empididae head (lateral) |
Diptera - Scathophagidae head (lateral) |